Computer Science 1

This was an introduction to Python course that touched on the basics of different concepts of computer science and discussed topics like recursion, object-oriented programming, the basics of images, and more. These concepts are convered in the projects seen below. The instructors for this course are Dr. Melissa Lynn, Professor Jeff Englehardt, and Dr. Michael Hvidsten.


This was a project that consisted of learning about ciphers. This lab was an introduction to crytanalysis and it included making simple functions for completing the task of deciphering sentences with or without spaces in them.

More information on the actual project can be found here as well as the code with a README file that contains more information.

Not-So-Elementary Statistics

This project was learning how to write functions that could usually be found in the Math module in Python such as finding the maximum, minimum, average, standard deviation, count value, and the mode of an array of data. This purpose of this project was the aid us as students to become more comfortable with writing our own functions to calculations that may seem trivial but mayeb cannot be found in a common library.

More information concerning the description of the project and the code for this can be seen here..


This project was about creating a Tamagotchi like pet that we programmed using object-oriented programming. There were many different functions that this pet had, and the project included animating the tamagotchi pet ultilizing our skills that we learned when creating and manipulating images.

More information on this project can be found here.!